Pam Ahern

Founder of Edgars mission farm sanctuary (Australia)

Tell us a little bit about yourself

52 year old former Equestrian and animal lover who now dedicates her life to the protection of (farmed) animals and spreading a message of kindness with the world

Why do you follow a plant-based approach?

Because it is consistent with living a ‘kind’ life and causing the least harm

What benefits have you experienced from making the change?

  • clearer conscience –healthier body and cleaner palate (no animal fat residue)
  • living the change I wish to see in the world

What are your top 3 tips for individuals wanting make a switch/ depend less on animal products?

Think before you eat (think about the statement you are making to the world and your body)

Read and be informed about your nutritional needs and talk to others who have already made the switch (they will have lots of tips and local knowledge and know where and what foods to buy and how to cook and prepare them)

Get out and explore vegan restaurants to find what new tastes appeal to you and if I can say a fourth one don’t forget to be kind to yourself (you cannot change the past only shape the future)

What made you decide to do what you do?

Diet-the moment I actually and honestly realized my actions and ethics were not aligned. I claimed to care about animals and live a just life but my dietary choices said different. Once you accept the premise that you can live a happy and healthy life without harming others it truly does change your life.

Creating Edgar’s Mission-my love of the first pig I rescued and whom I named Edgar Alan Pig. Edgar’s Mission is my most profound way of saying sorry for the harm and suffering I had caused to his kind.

What are you passionate about?

Justice (humans, non-humans and the planet)

What was a major physical/ emotional challenge you faced and how did you triumph over it?

I really don’t think there was one. When I considered what animals went through in order for me to live on a diet centred around animal products my own trials and tribulations were nothing. And this is something I often find myself coming back to; when things seem tough or people seem to not want to care or are rude, I work even hardly on the concept of selflessness and think what do the animals need right now and that is not someone who wallows in ‘woe is me’.

If I really had to say a major challenge it was one I didn’t even realize at the time and that was getting me to accept that I wasn’t leading a life consistent with my ethics. Once I came to that realization the rest fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle

What do you value in your life?

Peace and harmony and a delicious vegan cupcake!!

What are 3 empowering beliefs that propel you?

  • Edgar Alan Pig
  • One person can make a difference
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world

What are your future plans?

Create Edgar’s Mission mark 2 (our new sanctuary and forever home)

How would you like to inspire/ reach out to more people?

Create Edgar’s Mission mark 2 (our new sanctuary and forever home)

Get everyone to think about this very important question “If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others….why wouldn’t we?”

If there was one thing that you would like to change in the world, what would that be and why is this important to you?

People not to be so self centred and why, it would make the world a better place for all (would put me out of an unpaid job, but that would be something I could happily live with)

What is the one idea that you can give to others to contribute to a positive change (on a personal level or the world at large)?

To think, to really honestly stop and think about what you are doing and how this impacts on; you, animals and the planet

I always use the word ‘think’ rather than words like ‘do’ or ‘act’ because I don’t believe you can tell people what to do (or even not do) with any guarantee of knowing they will do this and then continue to do so, unless they truly believe it. And I also truly believe in the goodness of the human heart. But sadly we have become so removed from connecting with animals, the world around us and even our health that we do not see the impact of our choices. So my aim is to help/encourage/draw people to come to making these connections, that way when they do so, sustaining the change- regardless of how many challenges are entailed, will be easier and motived.

How are you Evol’ved (Our values: awake, connect, inspire ?

Living my ethics not just talking it

How can you be connected? twitter @edgarsmission
instagram @edgarsmission