Geoff Palmer

CEO of

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I am the Founder and CEO of Clean Machine, an all natural, vegan sports nutrition supplement company. I have been vegan for 29 years and weightlifting for about as long. I turned 51 in January and plan to do my first bodybuilding competition this summer at the Naturally Fit Super Show in Austin TX.

Why do you follow a plant-based approach?

To make a positive impact on the environment, my health, our healthcare system, our taxes, our global economy, world hunger, water supply, global warming, really almost everything is positively impacted by a switch to a vegan diet. But why did I change? I was helped by someone who saved my life. I felt so grateful; I felt an overwhelming want to give back, to cause less suffering in the world. The answer was obvious and easy, stop harming the innocent. I became vegan almost 30 years ago and still am conscious of every bite being for them.

What benefits have you experienced from making the change?

Lots of health benefits, but that is very secondary to the happiness I feel knowing how much good I am doing with every meal, every conversation, every choice, every act. There is no better feeling in the world to me than acting from a place of compassion.

What are your top 3 tips for individuals wanting make a switch/ depend less on animal products?

Find the deepest connection you can to the food and its impact on everything. The deeper the emotional connection, the more likely you will make the change last.
Talk to those who have made the change, they will let you know what to expect, tips and tricks that they have learned to make it easier.
Find support, whether friends, family, online communities, etc., find others who will be there for you when the times are tough and the criticisms are tougher. You are not alone!

What made you decide to do what you do?

I love fitness, as I strongly believe it, along with diet is a pillar of health. But most of the fitness supplements were either full of chemicals and not vegan, or vegan, but not as effective. I wanted to give that back to those who feel the same – they want the best results with compromising their health. Products that almost anyone can use and get great results.

What are you passionate about?

My wife Vanessa. She is everything to me. All of the rest is just fun.

What was a major physical/ emotional challenge you faced and how did you triumph over it?

Depression. In my youth I was not sure that I fit in to a world that seemed so negative. It did not align with who I was. A friend helped me to see it was my own pain that caused me to see mostly the negative, my ego trying to validate my own darkness. Once I dug down and healed my own pain, I began to feel more positive and saw how much good there is in the world (too). I now focus on what I can do to help make it a better place rather than ask what’s in it for me.

What do you value in your life?

Relationships. To me that is everything; the relationship to yourself, to friends, family, community, animals, the planet. A string on a musical instrument is bound at two points, but it is the relationship between those two points, the vibration of the string, that makes the music.

What are 3 empowering beliefs that propel you?

1. Look for the good in all things.
2. Create positivity, especially where it is needed most.
3. Receive gratefully from others their gifts. It feels great to help others, allow them to help you.

What are your future plans?

Business to me is nothing more than a means to provide good for others and be rewarded for it. But for me the reward is not that I have more for myself, but that I have more to give. I hope to continue to grow as a person and as a company to continue to help people and living beings.

How would you like to inspire/ reach out to more people?

Every time I meet someone is a chance to inspire. My father was a university professor and he said “the best way to learn is to teach, it will make you want to learn more to be a better teacher.” I always want to be a better person, so I have a better person to offer to others.

If there was one thing that you would like to change in the world, what would that be and why is this important to you?

I think the world changes through all of our decisions cumulatively and I would never presume to know more than everyone else. : )
I will do my part the best I can, and cheer on others doing good in the world – like your team and this amazing website!

What is the one idea that you can give to others to contribute to a positive change (on a personal level or the world at large)?

Forgive. Yourself and others. To me it is the single most transformative experience.

How are you Evol’ved (Our values: awake, connect, inspire ?

“It’s all relative”. Remember that and help each other where ever we are along our evolution.

How can you be connected?

You can find more information about Clean Machine at, on Facebook at
or you can e-mail me at