Special Presentation for Women
Three Simple Science-Backed Hacks To Lose Weight And Regain Your Youthful Energy Without Counting Calories, Ever Feeling Hungry Or Exercise...
By Luke and Emilie - creators of the HPL Formula, coaches, authors, athletes and proud parents of a beautiful baby girl...
Please note: since recording the video the price has increased to $197. That's due to further improvements and added personal support throughout the program. We plan to charge the general public $497.
(Click to expand and find out more)
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HPL Tracker & Deep Dive
You'll discover all 10 HPL Factors and get the HPL Tracker - the only tool you'll ever need to be in complete control of your health, fitness and well-being... and all it takes is two minutes a day!
Plus you get a list of "fillers" to keep you nourished and happy while you enjoy the foods you love...
Over 50 High HPL Recipes
Mouthwatering and easy to prepare... 21 of these recipes are by Chef AJ who lost over 50 pounds herself and she is a master at creating simple, tantalizing dishes you'll love!

11 easy to follow workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home... Designed to jump-start your metabolism, torch fat, tone your legs and arms, firm your hips and thighs, flatten your stomach and have you jump out of bed ready to take on the world...
By Lisa Clayton, mom of three and for the last 7 years she's run boot camps to help women get that strong, sexy look they desire...
4 Weeks Nutrition Course
The truth about fats, carbs, protein sources, supplements, dealing with cravings and so much more. 9 easy to follow lessons.

Smoothie Fit
Emilie’s Smoothie Fit ebook: recipes that boost your HPL score, taste delicious and are good for your waistline…
Creating Your Life's Vision...
Powerful modules on mindset, goal setting and internalizing better habits easily... Plus, Luke and Emilie walk you through their secret to visualize their dreams and take decisive action.

Over 20 Easy Action Downloads
Everything is step by step and these easy action downloads make it simple to implement the advice from the videos...
5 balanced weekly meal plans
These are perfect if instead of simple tweaks you want a done-for-you plan with a high HPL Score. These come with plant-based recipes and instructions.

30 minute weight-loss hypnosis
Simply listen to it before going to bed and make positive changes on a subconscious level…
“The Power Of Beliefs”
The complete audio book “The Power Of Beliefs” by multiple best-selling author and life coach Rik Schnabel. Discover why we do what we do and how you can break free from the shackles of your beliefs.

“Life Beyond Negative Self-Talk”
An audio program by Rik Schnabel that quietens down your negative inner-critic and stops negative self-talk... something that is absolutely necessary if you want to experience an easy, enjoyable transformation...
Bootcamp 4X
4 additional HIIT workouts with Luke himself… Swap them in after the first 8 weeks and you’ll continue to see maximum results in minimal time.
You get the HIIT Crusher, the Core Burner, my Strength Activation workout and the Cardio Circuit.

10 Build Your Own Recipe Guides
In case you're like me and love variety no amount of recipes can ever be enough... That's why I'll give you 10 guides to build your own pasta, burger, breakfast, energy bars, smoothies, ice cream and more!
Plant-Based Cheat Sheets
A collection cheat sheets with hacks and tips to successfully try a plant based diet and actually enjoy it…

Body Comp Program
8 week gym program consisting of 5 different routines. Perfect if you prefer using weights, want a more athletic look, dread cardio or can’t do interval training because of joint pains…
Every exercise is explained in a video to keep you safe and get the most out of your workout.
Expert Summary...
12 videos in which I summarize the highlights from my interviews with over 50 experts on fitness, nutrition and mindset.


The family behind the HPL Formula
Luke and his wife Emilie have suffered from weight issue, anxiety, stomach cramps for years and one day found themselves fearing for Emilie's health.
Fast forward 10 years and is Luke's an acclaimed personal trainer, author of multiple books and host of the Plant-Fit Summit – the largest online event where leading doctors come together with athletes and inspirations to share their tips. Emilie is a plant-based chef, sponsored ultra-runner and together they have an energetic little girl.
Everything Luke and Emilie have learned over the years has led to the HPL method. Click here and watch our short video to determine your HPL score and how you can use it starting today.

Results may vary from person to person. Please consider results and success stories shown as atypical. While our programs are designed to be fully implemented, it's up to each participant to do so. We've made it as easy as possible to take action and implement the advice inside this program. Yet, participants may just skim through the content - much like reading a magazine - which will impact the results, if any, that they will experience from this program alongside of other factors. Also it's impossible for a program to account for all physical conditions or medical history someone might have which may impact the ability of participants to follow the program or the likelihood of them seeing the results they desire or may even mean they see adverse effects. Exercise, good nutrition and taking care of yourself are necessary to achieve and maintain any type of weight loss and improvements in wellbeing. Success stories featured are based on Luke Tan's work as a personal trainer as well as success stories members of your community shared after switching to a healthy plant-based diet. This does not mean these success stories happened within 8 weeks nor does it mean the participants followed the HPL Program. It does mean that the people featured over time followed a diet in line with the principles that make up the HPL Formula and in some cases worked out with Luke directly.
The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only - not medical advice - and in no way should anyone infer that we or anyone appearing in any content on this website are practicing medicine. Any diet, health, or nutritional program you undertake should be discussed with your doctor or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site to your specific situation.