Cancer Research 2018
With the popular but controversial "The Truth About Cancer" docu-series getting a lot of buzz these days we wanted to provide some more information on the topic and share two of our summit interviews from people who had to battle cancer themselves...
Is traditional chemo therapy helping?
Have a look at this video by on the war on cancer and how we may win it...
The role diet can play
In this video Dr. Michael Greger shares his insights on nutritional intervention to help in preventing cancer and helping the healing process...
What causes cancer?
The controversial docu series "The Truth About Cancer" tries to answer that question. Over 130 experts were interviewed for this series and they shed light on potential causes and different medical approaches to treating cancer (you can watch it for free here).
Unfortunately this series does have its shortcomings and it doesn't focus too much on the role of our diet but it can serve as a stepping stone for further research on alternative medical procedures.
In terms of nutrition causing cancer please have a look at Dr. T. Colin Campbells interview below.
And we hope the interviews with the two cancer survivors Dan and Janette below will give you further insights and hope!

Turning cancer genes on and off with your diet...
Dr. T. Colin Campbell shares his groundbreaking research in our interview from the 2017 Plant Fit Summit.
She was given six months to live...
Here's a replay of our interview with Janette Murray-Walkin that aired during the 2017 Plant Fit Summit on how she was able to beat cancer.
Facing cancer even after going plant-based...
Dan was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer. What happened next is a remarkable story of how optimal nutrition can go hand in hand with new medical advancements. Today Dan is cancer free for 5 years...