Health / Women over 40
3 common breakfast ingredients that might be causing your anxiety, brain fog and even mood swings
Women 40+
What's Your HPL Score?
The HPL Score combines 10 factors that influence your health, performance and longevity.
The HPL method is based on the work of over 50 leading nutritionists, doctors, scientists, Olympic level athletes, coaches and inspiring people who've turned their health and life around.
The family behind the HPL method
Luke and his wife Emily have suffered from weight issue, anxiety, stomach cramps for years and one day found themselves in the hospital fearing for Emily's health.
Fast forward 10 years and is Luke's an acclaimed personal trainer, author of multiple books and host of the Plant-Fit Summit – the largest online event where leading doctors come together with athletes and inspirations to share their tips. Emily is a plant-based chef, sponsored ultra-runner and together they have an energetic little girl.
Everything Luke and Emily have learned over the years has led to the HPL method. Click here and watch our short video to determine your HPL score and how you can use it starting today.
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Free Video
Whatever your reasons are for reclaiming your health and fitness, in this short presentation will discover:
3 simple rules that allow you to eat MORE and achieve the body & vitality you desire (cutting edge and vital to being a power-mom)
How to use the HPL Score to create a lifestyle that transforms your body naturally (without dieting, counting calories or excessive exercise)
When your body forces you to overeat and why (say goodbye to out of control binge eating and guilt ridden moments)
The one mind-trick to make it stick this time (not only will it benefit your health, it will show the world what a strong, caring woman you are)
3 things you can do today that don't involve diet, exercise or pills (the foundation to being your youthful self when your grand kids grow up)
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